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My journey into fitness started 20 years ago. At the time I was struggling with my own weight and body issues, and suffering from low self esteem. I was a social smoker and barely able to run for the bus. I was addicted to fast food and sugar.

I was working in a corporate job that left me feeling empty, uninspired and burnt out.

In a nutshell.....I was miserable!!


A friend suggested I join a local gym but it was really intimidating, overwhelming and I had no idea where to start. I was terrified! 

Terrified of how I looked (everyone else was so fit), terrified of what I couldn't do, terrified of what I didn't know (would I hurt myself?), terrified of what I was going to have to do but most of all, terrified of failing! 

After trying a lot of different workouts and not getting any results, I ended up hiring a personal trainer to help me and it literally changed my life!


I'm not going to was really hard for me to change my lifestyle. It wasn’t easy physically or mentally to do what was required to improve my level of health and fitness but the support I received from my trainer made all the difference and got me through the really tough times.

Change didn't come overnight but I began to feel differently about myself….not just because my pant size was smaller but because I felt stronger, more able bodied, happy and alive!


The results were life changing, sending me on a whole new path. I was able to do things physically that I'd never done before! Not only did I become more fit but my self confidence grew and my thirst for knowledge about how to lead a healthy life grew right along with it.


I had turned to “working out” as a way to lose weight and feel better about myself but what I got was so much more. 


Slowly an idea began to take shape.....

What if I could provide people with a way to become more healthy, fit and educated about the benefits of fitness and clean eating? What if I could help others to feel comfortable, supported and accepted in their workout enviroment right from the beginning? What if everyone didn't have to go through the challenges and struggles I did to find a way to get in shape.

And from this, I created....... "Fit For Life Training"! 



I’ve never forgotten how terrible I felt about myself when I was overweight and struggling with the feelings that came with not being comfortable in my own skin and the embarrassment of not being physically able to keep up with others. Through my own personal struggle, I developed a passion for healthy living and a desire to help and inspire others to discover the empowering nature of fitness and wellness. 



I am living proof that anyone, given the right guidance and support can make amazing and positive changes to improve their state of overall health and fitness and become “Fit For Life”.










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